Awa Odori entertainment troupe



An Awa Odori entertainment troupe,

pushing the boundaries of Japanese dance traditions.

Takarabune is a creative dance company of Awa Odori, one of the most well-known Japanese traditional dances with 450 years of history. They push the limits of this venerable traditional art: their signature dance style is so aggressive and vigorous that it has been characterized as ‘dance beyond Awa Odori’. Their performances at a number of Awa Odori events held in Tokyo have generated growing interests among a variety of media, and the group has gained a reputation as the hottest Awa Odori group (ren) in Japan.

Takarabune was founded by Akira Yonezawa from Tokushima, the birthplace of Awa Odori. The members are mostly in their twenties, the majority of whom have more than 10 years of experience. Its skilled dance, music and dynamic performances captivate the audience.

Awa Odori performances have dancers and musical accompanists. In Takarabune, all members are dual-role experts trained both in dancing and musical accompaniment, unlike typical Awa Odori groups where members are divided into dancers and musical accompanists. This allows Takarabune to build a uniquely dynamic program on the stage. Witnessing one performance will only give you a glimpse of what Takarabune has to offer. Takarabune has so much more!

Takarabune’s show is full of surprises, including not only dances but also talks, music and theatrical plays. And it will be an experience that you will never forget. Takarabune fights to push the limits of Awa Odori. We look forward to hearing from you, from all over the world. The question is, are you ready?

寶船 (たからぶね)






2014年には、日本PRのCM『日本の若さが世界を変える』に出演し、「my Japan Award 2014」にて《箭内道彦賞》を受賞。



国内でも、「ダボス会議アフターパーティー」、「もしもしにっぽん FESTIVAL」「泡フェス」「TEDxUTokyo」など話題のイベントに出演し、会場を熱狂させた。近年では、日本を代表するDJ「DAISHI DANCE」や「DJダイノジ」とスペシャルステージを行うなど、他分野とのコラボレーションも精力的に行っている。


2019年3月には、アメリカ・ロサンゼルスツアーを開催。ハリウッドの地上波テレビ番組に生出演し、話題に。また、ロサンゼルスの有名劇場『El Rey Theatre』では世界的ダンスユニット「Hilty&Bosch」とコラボ公演を開催。満員御礼で大成功させた。